Dr. Martha Kuruga Mwithiga
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
MBChB – University of Nairobi
MMED (OBS/GYNE) – University of Nairobi
Minimum Access Surgery – Kenya Society for Endoscopic Specialities
(FMAS, DMAS) – World Laparascopic Hospital, Gurgaon, India.
Infertility Management – Wings Hospital, Amehdabad, India.
DR. Martha Kuruga is a consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. She has a bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery (M.B.Ch.B), Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MMED OBS/GYN) both from the University of Nairobi. She is a fellow of the East, Central and Southern Africa College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ECSACOG).
Dr. Kuruga is passionate about obstetrics / Gynecology with special interest in Minimal access surgery and Infertility management. She holds a diploma and Fellowship in Minimal access Surgery from the world laparascopy Hospital and is a member of the world association of Laparoscopic Surgeons She is a Certified Fertility Specialist from Wings Hospital , India. She is a Faculty member of the institute of Family Medicine (INFAMED) and a trainer for the Advanced Life support in Obstetrics(ALSO) In her free time Dr Kuruga enjoys spending time with her Family. Other Interests include Cooking , swimming , Traveling among others.